I love this time of year! Nate's Mom and Dad got to come and enjoy chrimstmas with us this year! We have had a great day, except that Addyson woke up at 1:30 am vomitting. She had her packing removed from her ear and her stitches removed yesterday....We don't know what's up with the nausea! She is sleeping now...Other than my baby is having a hard day, we are enjoying our time. Love everyone!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Miracles in Disguise!
Well, I haven't blogged in a while. Let me fill you in....Addyson has had some ear troubles..Took her to the ENT and he let us know that when her eardrum ruptured more than a year ago, it never healed...She still had a hole in her ear. Notice I said, "had!" He wanted to do tymphanoplasty as soon as possible. We scheduled it. That means "to cut muscle from above her ear, and graft it to her eardrum." The surgery took place on Monday, Dec. 15th. It was an hour and 40 minute procedure. When the doctor got into her ear, he found a cholesteatoma! BAD, Bad, Bad! A cholesteatoma is a tumor-like destructive cyst. Whatever it touches it destroys and can cause paralysis of the face, deafness, meningitis from brain infection and even death! The doctor had no idea it was in there because it wasn't in a normal place. Praise God we decided to have surgery! The cholesteatoma was on here middle ear bones, which usually means a transplant, but Addy's looked okay! We will be going back regularly to make sure they got it all. Because it was there, they had to remove more of her eardrum, but they patched it (graft) so she is fine! We will see how her hearing returns over time! We will have to do a "second-look procedure" in about 6-10 months. She will undergo anesthesia again, and if it(the cholesteatoma) is there, remove it! She is a trooper! She is at school right now...We'll see how it goes! Thanks for praying! God is a miracle working God! We didn't know danger was lurking , but God did and He took care of Addyson!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
What's your season?
Nate and I are in such a wonderful season in our lives. We no longer have babies, but the little ones we have (10, 8, and almost 6 year olds) are such a blessing to us. We laugh so much every day. I never want it to end! The fall is my favorite time of year. It is a precursor to the Christmas season, which is so much FUN!!! The fall has perfect temperatures, beautiful colors, and wonderful smells...I pray that today all my family and friends appreciate life as they know it, live to our full potential in Christ, and share with others all the good things they find!
Addyson and I were sitting on the couch together last night and I showed her a bruise that I had on my arm...She said, "you're a WHITE WOMAN momma, you bruise too easy, I'm an INDIAN, I never bruise." I laughed so hard, it was so random coming out of a 5 year old mouth, this season is magnificent! Is yours?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
24 hour "firsts"
We have had an exciting last 24 hours! Addyson FINALLY rode her bike WITHOUT training wheels!!! She just made up her mind that she was ready to try it! She grabbed Aviree's (our neice) Bike and away she Went!!! So fun! This morning she woke up and decided that she was not going to let mommy help her tie her shoes. We've been working on that one for awhile. She was so excited that she started screaming, "mommy, come here, come here!" I was thinking, "Oh, no what happened." I went into her room and she had the biggest smile on her face, "Look, mommy, I made two people turn into bunny ears and they hugged each other and LOOK! My shoes are tied!" I laughed so hard...Good job, Addy Grace!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
God is so Good!
Man, I love the fall... It is beautiful! My family and I took pics of each other on Sunday....Practicing some photography, hehe. Not really...just had a camera so we started snapping the beautiful day...
Got to lead a lady to Christ this morning!!! God is amazing! No matter where we've been, God still loves us and we can be used by HIM even in the OFFICE!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Family Time
It has been an amazing two days....Nate has been asking me to just go on a drive "to see what we can see." I haven't been feeling very well, which I will catch you up on that scenario later, so I have been declining his request. Yesterday, I made up my mind that I would "just do it" no matter how I was feeling. We took a drive around Foss Lake and it was so pretty. We saw all kinds of wildlife and it was just....peaceful. God is in every aspect of life, if we'll just open our eyes and see HIM!
This morning I went to the Fire Dept. with Addyson's class. She is so cute and serious, which is good because we all need an escape plan..heehee. My time here on earth is important, and I want every day to mean something. Yesterday meant "make time even if you don't feel like it." Today means "relax and have peace, even if there doesn't seem like there is any." I hope you "make time to have peace." I have! The trees are beautiful, my husband is funny, the deer we saw was astounding, and Addyson is my baby. I have Peace!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Special Times
I'm having one of those days where I'm longing for a special "family" time. I'm not just talking about my kids and husband, although I do want to go climb a mountain, or walk in the woods with them too. What I mean is I want to have a magical holiday. The holiday where everyone is so excited to see you, and you can stand in the kitchen and cook together, eat fudge, laugh, play games, smile, and not worry about what someone may think about your POLITICAL views or your PERSONAL values, just plain old LOVE. That's my goal this year. I hope it happens....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Brooklyn's 8th B-day
Well, my baby is now 8....What?!? We had an awesome time at her party! We had a Clue Mystery Dinner Birthday...We all dressed up! I was Mrs. White, Brooklyn was her own character. Addyson was Mrs. Professor Plum, and Dylon was Cowboy Dylon. Nate was Wadsworth the Butler, etc...We had a pasta dinner with a pretty cake...And we played real life Clue through the whole church. Brooklyn had a blast. I love life, Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I'll Continue to try... hehe...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Well, my hubby left today to go to Canada fishing. I will miss him but I'm thankful that he gets to go. Think of me as I think of him! I'm pathetic, I know.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My Heart in Worship
Hey friends,
Thanks for allowing me to have a vacation with my family. It was very
eventful and my kids had a blast. I have been really seeking God on
behalf of our Church and our Worship Ministry...We are in the midst of a
GREAT BIG GOD! I have wanted to make a video that shares my heart and
vision for our time of ministry and our church...I came across a video
that left me in tears and it says all the things I want to tell you, my
friends. You guys are so anointed and I know that God has bigger things
in store for us. Corporate Worship is so Powerful and we haven't even
begun to touch what our church is striving for as far as the Power of God
unleashed in our lives...If you could just take a moment and view this
video for me. Know that I pray for you to be blessed, know that I want
God to revolutionize our lives corporately and personally, if we only
understand the importance of the ministry He has given us. Please go
to www.hillsong.com, click on music and teaching, click the words "preview now IN EVERY SEASON 9 minute documentary", then prepare your heart to be challenged to spend a few minutes in personal worship when the video ends." I love you and pray
for you to be blessed! I can't wait to serve along side of you on Sunday!
See you then!
In Christ's Love,
(Friend and Lead Worshipper)
PS For those of you who are not on our Worship Team, please avail yourself with this amazing video..We use the song "healer" in our worship services in our church. I just wanted our people to know why my heart is drawn toward this song. God is a Powerful God!
Thanks for allowing me to have a vacation with my family. It was very
eventful and my kids had a blast. I have been really seeking God on
behalf of our Church and our Worship Ministry...We are in the midst of a
GREAT BIG GOD! I have wanted to make a video that shares my heart and
vision for our time of ministry and our church...I came across a video
that left me in tears and it says all the things I want to tell you, my
friends. You guys are so anointed and I know that God has bigger things
in store for us. Corporate Worship is so Powerful and we haven't even
begun to touch what our church is striving for as far as the Power of God
unleashed in our lives...If you could just take a moment and view this
video for me. Know that I pray for you to be blessed, know that I want
God to revolutionize our lives corporately and personally, if we only
understand the importance of the ministry He has given us. Please go
to www.hillsong.com, click on music and teaching, click the words "preview now IN EVERY SEASON 9 minute documentary", then prepare your heart to be challenged to spend a few minutes in personal worship when the video ends." I love you and pray
for you to be blessed! I can't wait to serve along side of you on Sunday!
See you then!
In Christ's Love,
(Friend and Lead Worshipper)
PS For those of you who are not on our Worship Team, please avail yourself with this amazing video..We use the song "healer" in our worship services in our church. I just wanted our people to know why my heart is drawn toward this song. God is a Powerful God!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Real Contentment! Do You have it?
Here I am again at one something in the morning...Why oh Why do I say yes to a cup of coffee at 8 o'clock in the evening? Anyways, we are currently on vacation that has been a little too interesting...Sometimes there is just no place like home. I love being with all the family (my five and Nate's parents) they have been especially entertaining, but I think the best thing about vacation can be when you realize that you love where you live, who you live with, you love what you do, and you are not searching for a way to change it!
PS The picture is from Argentina, of course, man I love my life. I haven't downloaded vacation pics yet..hehe.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Momma's Intuition
WEll, yes, it is two o'clock in the morning and I'm clicking away on the keyboard while my husband sleeps...I'm trying to be very quiet, but is that ever really possible?...hehe! I just can't sleep. Too much to think about. I just checked on my precious little ones for the third time tonight. Addy has a little bit of a fever...She had fever last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...no other symptoms, just fever. She starting running a fever again tonight and has a stuffy nose, yuck! I hate it when my kids don't feel good. I knew something was going on with her because she was waaayyy tttooooo clingy. I felt her forehead and she didn't feel hot, but momma's intuition, I knew something was up...I grabbed the thermometer and talked her into to putting it under her tongue (it is sometimes funny how I conquer my 5 year old daughter's fears...no honey, it won't hurt, yes honey, I'll get your water right now). Sure enough! She had 100.9 F temperature...I knew it!!! Just a friendly reminder, no matter what your situations seems like, always trust the momma intuition.
My son finally got to have his best friend over tonight. We haven't had him over since before we left for Argentina. They played video game, water sprinklers, sword fighting, and even set up the tent in the backyard. The boys and both my girls played in it for about 30 minutes around 10 o'clock pm. I didn't think they'd really stay in the backyard all night, too hot! Momma wasn't staying out there with them either. I remember the days of camp outs in the backyard...Memories!
I've got to think of something really special to be a blessing to Brooklyn. She has been so great. Brother gets to go to Argentina, little sister is sick..She needs momma time, I can just tell..She isn't a girly girl, so manicures, pedicures,etc..are totally torturous for her..Gotta think of something else. Any advice? She totally loves shopping, but not possible for a while. Well, it will come to me. I adore my children. Thank you God for allowing me the best job in the world, Momma!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Home Sweet Home!
I love the United States of America. Although we had an excellent time in Argentina, we are very happy to be home. My girls are beautiful as ever. Addyson told me that she smelled my pillow while I was away, ;). She knows how to melt a momma's heart. Buenos Aires is beautiful.
We did 39 school assemblies...a radio interview...a television program....we were in the newspaper....We had an impact on the nation of Argentina. We had the opportunity to lead both of our van drivers to Christ, both of our waitresses that we had every day...countless people on the street...and we were priveleged to help the local pastors by building them up and giving them hope to continue in their ministries..!!! Thank you God for trusting us with this amazing assignment!
Dylon had his first cup of coffee in Argentina, WHAT!? That's what I said when I found out...He went ballistic! No Lie! He rode in a Taxi, a Subway Train, a tour bus, and he got to walk about ten miles around Buenos Aires. The picture of him on the curb in front of the cool white historical building ( I think it was a church but I was so tired it all ran together...It was definitely close to where Eva Peron was buried)) is a picture of what he thought about the tour of Buenos Aires.. Gotta love Kids..The lighthouse is where we spent Argentina's Independence Day on July 9th. It was at a lake near Colon. The little girl jumped in my lap at one of the schools. She surprised me, I didn't expect her to leap into my arms...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
God is so amazing!
I apologize that I have been too tired to stay awake and blog. Our time here has been extraordinary. We have visited so many schools. I have personally prayed with over 10 people to receive Christ in their hearts. I know that I am not finished yet though. I gave my testimony at the rehabilitation center and so many opportunities have opened up for us because of that one place. The whole team (Mark and Nate´s) deserves the credit. We did a complete assembly there and it was one of the few places where we could actually talk about God. Pastor Vrito attended this assembly. Little did I know that he was the head guy over the whole area...He asked me to be on his TV program here in Colon. On Thursday, The Pastor brought his camera man and he interviewed us. I was able to preach and give my testimony for all to see of the local Television Station. OMGoodness! I was so stinkin´nervous..God is still blowing my mind. I was also introduced to the radio station owner...We have also been in the newspaper. I have copies...If ever I have been a part of a group that has impacted an entire city, it has been this team in Argentina...Dylon is still doing amazing. You guys would be so proud of his confidence and stature in schools talking to the kids...We have the ¨hopefest¨today at 4. They have asked our team to do some of the skits and dramas. I will also be singing ¨Ven Tal Como Eres.¨ We pray for thousands to attend. Keep us lifted up! Jesus is my Hero!
P.S. Nate also had an opportunity to minister to a man who was our van driver all week! He asked Christ into his heart last night!!! AMAZING! I love you! I´ll write when I can. We leave Colón in the morning and travel to Buenos Aires. Estoy Contenta. Gracias a todos personas ayudarónles venir...
P.S. Nate also had an opportunity to minister to a man who was our van driver all week! He asked Christ into his heart last night!!! AMAZING! I love you! I´ll write when I can. We leave Colón in the morning and travel to Buenos Aires. Estoy Contenta. Gracias a todos personas ayudarónles venir...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Rehabilitation Center in Argentina
We did several thing today...First thing this morning we did a school assembly. When we arrived at the school we found out that a girl put her fist through a glass window out of anger right before we arrived. We knew we were on a mission. Then we recognized some of the faces of the children from the plaza on Sunday. The children recognized us..Carlitos y Ariel. We will talk more about them later. My heart if so full for the children of Argentina...Dylon gave a testimony again about being picked on and being made fun of...He told the children that they are important to God no matter what others say about them, it only matters what´s in your heart..I was in tears...Then we left and went to a rehabilitation center for Teens with drug problems. The students have no home lives, drugs, alcohol, etc.....They were in tears and we played soccer with them and left them a brand new soccer ball for their center. Again, my heart is so full for these children. We also went to an Arts school and did two programs there...Every day is full of excitement activities. We have done all of skits and dramas many times and are looking for new material...The newspaper is publishing our picture in the Colon Diario. The television station is scheduling a time for interviews, and the radio went to the 10 o clock session today. We are impacting the city of Colon....
To my girls, I love you more than you will ever know. I have your picture and I show it to the translators and teachers...They think you are beautiful and look like your momma, even you Brookie! Kiss Kiss to you. You girls would be so proud of your mom, dad, and bubba. Some day soon little ones, you will come to these places with us and see what we see. Thank you for letting us come...God will reward you also for your sacrifice...I love you forever, i like you for always, as long as i´m alive my babies you´ll be!!! Until tomorrow
Dream Big!!!
To my girls, I love you more than you will ever know. I have your picture and I show it to the translators and teachers...They think you are beautiful and look like your momma, even you Brookie! Kiss Kiss to you. You girls would be so proud of your mom, dad, and bubba. Some day soon little ones, you will come to these places with us and see what we see. Thank you for letting us come...God will reward you also for your sacrifice...I love you forever, i like you for always, as long as i´m alive my babies you´ll be!!! Until tomorrow
Dream Big!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Argentina Update
We have had an amazing time and we are loving the country. We are not at the colon that is by the river. We are at the city that is west of Buenos Aires. It is more of a suburb, smaller, and not opened to the book of hope. Well, it wasn´t until we came. Today we had a meeting at the municipal building with the city judges and the city president. Pastor Ric sat down at the meeting table with him and the council made a resolution for the Book of hope to be spread throughout the city of colon. We are now able to get into to most of the school as word spreads. i am very blessed. My son, Dylon, gave his first testimony at the church service last night. He did so great! I am blessed. Please continue to pray for miracles for this city. We are having a great time and God is doing wonderful things. Nate preached last night, Dylon gave testimony, and I was asked to sing in Spanish. Kaisa was chosen to serve communion and pray over the communion. What an honor.....until next time I write....
God Bless
God Bless
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hello my friends,
We are heading for Argentina on Friday! Nate, Dylon, and I are flying to Argentina, along with 26 other people from our church, in an attempt to change a whole city for the cause of Christ. We will fly to Buenos Aires, take a 4 hour bus ride to the city of colon, which is near the uruguay river. It is located in the ENTRE RIOS providence. We are doing school assemblies during the day and having "hopefests" at night. We will be showing the "Godman" movie at the hopefests. All of our skits are in Spanish and Dylon is amazing. My 9 year old son totally loves the line, "Ya no puedo servir a dos duenos al mismo tiempo!" Translated "I cannot serve two masters at the same time!" He also like to say "eres tanta" to his mother....We do a skit where he calls me "stupid." He is totally cute doing it though....All for the cause of Christ, right? Be praying for us to have safe travel, help win a country for Jesus, and to be "not freaking out" without our girls with us! I will try to update you while we are in country...I make no promises because you guys know as well as I do that I am a total letdown as far as regular blogging goes. All I can say is, "I'll work on it!" Muchas Gracias! Me encanta viajar a Argentina! I'll post real soon!
Sunday, May 25, 2008

it is really hot all of a sudden! I love it when school get out for the summer! We are all leaving for camp tomorrow. Dylon and Brooklyn have kids camp in Wichita Falls, and Nate and I are going to youth camp at Turner Falls...We are gonna have a great time. Between the Youth, Tweens, and Children we have over 100 students going to camp! I post pics later...
Just a little encouragement....... Can you think of all the people who have had influence over your life? I know i have been influenced by several people, but I would be nothing if I had never known about Jesus.....Who can you affect today? Let's start the ripple effect. One pebble meets with one pond...the possibilities of hope are endless....Love everyone! I'll try to write after camp!!
Live Life,
Monday, April 14, 2008
Too Way Totally Behind!!! Lo Siento (i'm sorry)
Yes, I know it has been too long since I've blogged. I get a little discouraged in the blogging area because I only have one friend who comments back and lets me know she's reading it. She is way worth the effort of blogging, of course, but I keep up with her blogs so we usually communicate that way....Anyways, excuses are lame so I won't make any, however, school, husband, 3 children, ministry, seminars, skiing, and of course, just plain old down time are to blame for my lack of blogging. I'll catch you up with us CLIFF'S Notes Style.
Nate is awesome! Struggling with Allergies, who isn't? His Spanish is going great! He is an incredible Youth Pastor, Husband, Dad, and friend too. He is coaching Dylon's soccer team right now and they are doing great....
Me- I've told you what I'm doing...I'm also testing for my minister's liscense too....Remember, credentialed, certified, liscensed, and ordained....I've already done credentialed and certified...My children are awesome!!! I love my life, 'nough said!
Dylon is now back at the Christian School. He just couldn't do Public school. His lowest grade in the public school was a 96, but his heart couldn't take the atmosphere...He is loving school again and we have our "joy baby" back! He is an excellent soccer player, excellent reader (very important priority in our home), excellent kid (he keeps us laughing with his dry sense of humor), and he is an excellent brother (always taking care of his sisters, especially Addy).
Brooklyn is still in public school. She was blessed with an great teacher...She is very smart and helpful in every way...She is also an excellent soccer player (she scored 4 goals on Saturday), and excellent reader ( she loves to read to her sister too), an excellent kid (she IS developing girl sass, we are working on that), and an excellent sister (she is really my left (helping) hand)....
Addyson is doing well. She still is not hearing out of her left ear, but she is developing okay. She is a hilarious soccer player(singing, "the hills are alive..." while she is on the field playing), she loves to be read to and is learning how to write her name. She is also an excellent kid with emotions like Lucille Ball (We actually call her LUCY!) She loves her brother and sister and pretty much tells them what to do and how to do it most of the time..and get this.....they LET HER!!!! Que Lastima! (OH NO!) We are doing great and love everyone very much...UNTIL NEXT TIME!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sodium Chloride of the Earth!
That was the title of our devotion this morning. Please, Lord, let me be the salt of the earth for someone today. That really is my prayer.
Parenting! It has to be one of the hardest jobs ever. Dylon, who generally makes 100s on all his papers, brought home a 50 and a 46 on his science papers. Do you know what he said about it ? He says, "Well, I wanted to be the first one finished!" I told him "finished" is a good word, except he didn't FINISH his paper, hence the 50 and 46! Boys! The lengths of competitivism stretches for miles.... I tried to blame his dad, but Nate wasn't buying it! Anyways, how do you convince your children to do THEIR best in all things! All I can do it teach the lessons worth learning and go on! He did learn a valuable lesson. He who brings home bad grades gets no TV time, Basketball time, or fiddling time (whatever that means)! Do 9 year olds need fiddling time!?! See, he is Nate's child! Anyways, my ramblings shall cease now!
By the way, I am still working out and I am still working with sore muscles. How long does it take to get muscles into shape. My arms are better, but my hip flexers are shot! See ya!
Friday, January 18, 2008
I am so thankful to live a life of forgiveness, knowing that I too am forgiven of every single thing that I have ever done that has grieved the Lord. My burden is gone. I am free. We studied this week in HIGHLIFE YOUTH that unforgiveness literally ties you to a person that has offended you or done something to you. I do not want to walk around with people tied to my back. My choice is to forgive so that I also may be forgiven by my Father in Heaven. It is so amazing how much power we are given when we forgive. First of all, we cut loose the person that was attached to us, and we are more effective in every area of our lives. WE can truly shine the light of Christ in our lives. These thoughts may sound weird to others, but I know the affect it has on my life and I just want to encourage every one to "let it go, and let God." He will equip you with all you need to be free!
This week was busy but very fun. Addyson was the Flowergirl for Weatherford's Wrestling Homecoming. She was adorable, por surpuesto! Her introduction included:
Addyson Grace Hicks is a Pre-K student who wants to be a Weatherford High School Cheerleader. She also enjoys playing with her 9 year old brother, Dylon, and 7 year old sister, Brooklyn. She love the Lord with all her heart and has a blast at ONE WAY kids church at Life Fellowship. When she grows up she wants to be a momma and have 3 or 5 babies!
It was the cutest thing! Again, I am free and we live life for today. I hope you are doing the same. It is worth living.
This is also my second straight week in toning class. I am getting toned up. PTL!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Que Pasa? Nosotros Estudiamos Espanol!
Nate and I are learning Spanish and we are having fun! He is in Elementary 1 and I am in Elementary II and Spanish for Healthcare Professionals. So far, so good! It is proving to be very rewarding. I am still exercising faithfully and I am building some really good muscles. I am looking forward to gaining muscle. I don't really have any muscles right now, but I can tell a difference. No doctor can diagnose me with Muscular diseases...I'm on my way to pure health! Nate attended the exercise class with me today.. It was fun! We are toning muscles we didn't even know existed. I'm loving the way Ifeel though. So much better. Anyways, Keep us in your prayers and don't forget to live, laugh, and love.
Monday, January 7, 2008
I am Ashamed!
I honestly am ashamed that I have not blogged in too many months.....Much has happened. Most of it is good! God is still in control, and I'm quite thankful for that! I am now a credentialed minister, and a mother to a 9, 7, and5 year old..What?!? Yes, I am! We are having so much fun in life.. It just keeps getting faster and faster..I almost feel like I don't have time to enjoy, but I am fighting for it! Just a little thought that the Lord has placed on my heart......He has reminded me that nothing is worthwhile unless God is in it! He has also gently nudged me to not forsake the time I spend with Him....We all make time for whatever is important to us. I choose to make time for the Lord. I am committed to reading His word everyday and praying to him, just listening to the still small voice that He uses to connect with me. He is important to me! Is He important to you? Then He is on your priority list and good for YOU! While I was spending time with the Lord telling Him that I did not want to go back to school, He helped me see that I had chosen the wrong path...Not that I don't enjoy English Ed..because I do. It is, however, very time consuming. I've already discussed my time issues. I have now changed my major once again and I am now a Spanish major with an English minor. Can you believe I only have 50 hours left on this plan. I will complete this major in 50 hours. Wow! That is alot I know but it is not as much as 78 hours, which is how much I have to take to finish an English Ed. degree. Anyway, I love Spanish, the people , the culture, well...all of it!! Enough about my boring decisions...Well, I do have another one to share! I am also beginning a toning exercise class and it kicked my TAIL today! My exercise has been weak all year, but I am going to get buff, no, for real this time! hehe! We shall see! I love ya!
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