Monday, July 7, 2008

Argentina Update

We have had an amazing time and we are loving the country. We are not at the colon that is by the river. We are at the city that is west of Buenos Aires. It is more of a suburb, smaller, and not opened to the book of hope. Well, it wasn´t until we came. Today we had a meeting at the municipal building with the city judges and the city president. Pastor Ric sat down at the meeting table with him and the council made a resolution for the Book of hope to be spread throughout the city of colon. We are now able to get into to most of the school as word spreads. i am very blessed. My son, Dylon, gave his first testimony at the church service last night. He did so great! I am blessed. Please continue to pray for miracles for this city. We are having a great time and God is doing wonderful things. Nate preached last night, Dylon gave testimony, and I was asked to sing in Spanish. Kaisa was chosen to serve communion and pray over the communion. What an honor.....until next time I write....

God Bless

1 comment:

Jessica and Matt said...

You sang in Spanish--yay!!! You had to know that would get me excited... two of my very favorite things! :) And add missions to it--perfect! I'm so proud of you guys for committing so much of your lives to ministry & missions.

Love you guys!