Saturday, July 12, 2008

God is so amazing!

I apologize that I have been too tired to stay awake and blog. Our time here has been extraordinary. We have visited so many schools. I have personally prayed with over 10 people to receive Christ in their hearts. I know that I am not finished yet though. I gave my testimony at the rehabilitation center and so many opportunities have opened up for us because of that one place. The whole team (Mark and Nate´s) deserves the credit. We did a complete assembly there and it was one of the few places where we could actually talk about God. Pastor Vrito attended this assembly. Little did I know that he was the head guy over the whole area...He asked me to be on his TV program here in Colon. On Thursday, The Pastor brought his camera man and he interviewed us. I was able to preach and give my testimony for all to see of the local Television Station. OMGoodness! I was so stinkin´nervous..God is still blowing my mind. I was also introduced to the radio station owner...We have also been in the newspaper. I have copies...If ever I have been a part of a group that has impacted an entire city, it has been this team in Argentina...Dylon is still doing amazing. You guys would be so proud of his confidence and stature in schools talking to the kids...We have the ¨hopefest¨today at 4. They have asked our team to do some of the skits and dramas. I will also be singing ¨Ven Tal Como Eres.¨ We pray for thousands to attend. Keep us lifted up! Jesus is my Hero!
P.S. Nate also had an opportunity to minister to a man who was our van driver all week! He asked Christ into his heart last night!!! AMAZING! I love you! I´ll write when I can. We leave Colón in the morning and travel to Buenos Aires. Estoy Contenta. Gracias a todos personas ayudarónles venir...

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