hey gang! Our devo this morning was over waiting on God. Ever been there? People who have spent time in God's waiting room have come up with all kinds of theories on why God makes us wait. Here are some ideas from kids:
God takes only one day to answer your prayer in the summer, and eight days to answer in the winter. Only he takes FOREVER if you're asking for a Barbie doll.-Angela, 6
Sometimes when you ask God something he doesn't answer right away because he knows you're only going to change your mind as soon as He does it.-Carson,7
Spoken from a child, a wealth of wisdom. Psalm 130:5-6 says, "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning." Sometimes God doesn't say yes or no, He just says wait. Look at Sarah, Hannah, and Elizabeth. They all prayed for a baby until they were too old to have one. Then God gave them children. He was building character in them. If you find yourself in God's waiting room, talk to Him about it. Draw closer to Him. And trust. The psalmist encourages us to wait like "watchmen for the morning." Watchmen waited with total faith; they knew morning would come. That's the kind of faith that comes with waiting.
Confession time! I did not feel good last night, so I didn't workout. However, I faithfully woke up this morning and got it done. Pilates for today is done! Addyson's "real" birthday is today! She's a four year old angel! Anyways, doing a nursing home visit today with the 2nd grade class, and Homecoming is tonight. We have two cool students running for King and Queen! Go Kaisa! Go Kevin! Until tomorrow-wait patiently! ha!
Hey Jo,
Good Word! I had a devotional by Joyce Meyer. It was entitled "Opportunity Brings Opposition". She said every time you have an opportunity to believe God for something, you will have a temptation to give up on it. Can I get a witness! Matt 26:41 says, "Keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." This is something we have to continually work on, at least I know I do. While we are patiently enduring and waiting on God, we have to, in the words of Joyce Meyer, "enjoy where we are on the way to where we are going".
Hope you are feeling better. Tell the family I said hello. Happy Birthday Addy!!!
Love ya,
I'm telling you, your kids are adorable! Addy looks so much like you, it's CRAZY! Okay, have a great day! Way to go on keeping up with your workout schedule & devotionals--impressive!
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