Okay, so I've been a little relaxed on the blog. Just so you know, I have been walking 30 minutes a day this week. I am up to 1 hr 30 min. We've been really busy with life, just like you. Dylon has a speech meet this morning, and as always, he is cool as a cucumber. I'm a little nervous for him, not because I'm afraid he won't win. I just know he is really good and I want him to do his best. He will! Oh Yeah, I almost forgot. On top of everything else, I'm going back to school. Classes start tomorrow. I'm only taking 9 hours. I'm technically considered a Junior, but it will take a little while to finish. I'm back in English Education (Secondary). I haven't gone to school since 1997. I'm a little concerned about managing proper priorities, but if I'm supposed to do it (I really thing I am) then God will help me work it out! Right?
Well, this was not our devotion today but it is heavy on my heart. Let me ask you, "Where are you at in life?" Are you in Egypt, in the wilderness, or in the promise land? Let me explain. Egypt is the place of slavery where you never have enough to meet your needs. I'm speaking of money, time, health, and peace,etc....Poverty. The wilderness is the place of just enough. You have just barely enough to pay your bills, feel barely well enough to go to work, are always pressed for time, and have just enough sanity to make it l tomorrow, OR do you live in abundance. The promise land pays your bills and allows you to give more for others. The promise land gives you free time to enjoy. The promise land allows you to feel your best even when your not your best. The promise land not only gives you peace, but allows you to share your peace with others. Where are you today? If you find yourself anywhere but in the promise land, ask God to give you wisdom to get up and move!!! Choose to enjoy every day of your life, especially when Satan is trying to make you miserable all the time. Kick him to the curb and Choose life. Deuteronomy 30:19 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!
Love you guys,
Today is your first day back at school!!! Yay for you! You'll do great--you have always been super smart, and super disciplined. And I'm sure your family is super- supportive. That will help immensely!
Good luck! I'll pray for you!
Finally got all my ducks in a roll,with my comp. What a lovely picture, how proud i am of you and nate. My prayers are with you'll and i am so greatful. God bless and give my beautiful grandchildre a kiss for me. Love, mama
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