Well, today is officially the first day of school for my kids in the New Year. They were ready, I was not! We did very well, although it is 9:00am and Addyson has fallen back asleep. She told me at 8:00am that she needed to take a nap. I told her to wait 'til later. She said, "But mommy my eyes keep closing by themselves." Before I knew it, she was sleeping.
Well, today's devo was about rules and laws. Rules and laws are everywhere. Her are just a few of the unusual laws still on the books in some states:
It's against the law to
-Drive blindfolded
-wear a fake mustache to church
-spit in front of women
-wear slippers after 10:00pm
-carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket
-make "ugly faces" at dogs
-wear boots to bed
-throw pickle juice on a trolley
Some of these are quite funny. Rom. 13:3 says, "Do you want to be free from the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you." How do you feel about rules? I was shocked to know that my children liked them! I asked them if they had a choice to make any rule what would it be. Dylon said, "no video games except on Saturday, make his bed, and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner!" I asked him why? He said, "because that gives me peace." Wow! What a revelation from an 8 year old. God doesn't just give us a bunch of rules to prove he's powerful. He wanted us to not be ashamed, to have understanding, and peace. Plus, David in Psalm 119:99 said, "and I have more insight than all my teacher." Dylon really liked that verse, go figure (we'll talk about pride a different day, ha)! Our assignment for today is this: As you go through your day today, think about all the rules in place, keepig order wherever you go. Which ones are the hardest for you? Ask for God's help! We all need His understanding and peace!
I'm going for a walk now, see ya tomorrow.
sorry for all the typos
Sorry I haven't been good about blogging and/or commenting! But I have been reading your blogs. I LOVE them. They are my favorites to read, for sure. So encouraging... I love the picture of you guys in Rwanda. You look so adorable! Such a handsome couple! I can't believe how great you look after THREE kids! I hope I look as great as you do after I have chitrens.
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