Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Addyson's Ear

Well, I am posting this entry in the hopes that all who read it will PRAY! Addyson had another ear check-up (post surgery). It was not good news. The graft is not taking, she has considerable infection in it, the ear drum in sunken in, and she still can't get any fluid in it. The doctor thinks that her eustachian tube in not working in her left ear. However, he did say that her hearing is better than he would have expected based on what the ear looks like. She is considerably below normal though. I kept her home from school today. She is just not right....dark circles, tired, 99 degree fever. Thanks for prayin. I'm believing God for a miracle. He has already proved himself faithful. By the way, the doctor want to wait 'til August before he makes any decision to "do" something else.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oh sweetie!! I'm praying. HE is the God of Miracles and our Healer. HE will work in her ear. I just know it!! :)